
Smart Home Innovations to Make Your Home Life All the Easier

Smart Home Innovations to Make Your Home Life All the Easier

Apr 26, 2017


Smart Home Innovations to Make Your Home Life All the Easier

Determine what you need to know about these smart home innovations.

Technology is always changing. From computer to televisions to appliances, there are many ways in which advancements in technology are making our homes smarter and our lives easier. Check out these smart home innovations to make your home more comfortable.

Smart Fridge.

Your refrigerator is getting smarter. No longer must you second guess yourself at the grocery store, trying to remember if you're out of eggs. The latest in refrigerator technology uses a camera inside your fridge to let you access the feed from your smartphone. That way you can see inside your fridge to determine what's in your fridge without having to open it.

Smart Security.

Keeping your home safer has improved significantly with the advent of the latest technology. From viewing camera feeds from your smartphone to turning on the alarm system with your phone, you can now take your home's security into your own hands. Some of the newest technology even uses facial recognition to alert you to when family members are home.

Smart Outlets.

No longer must you come home to a dark house. With the newest technology, you can turn the lights on at home before you even walk through the door. Using your smartphone, you can control your home's electrical outlets. From turning on lights to turning off the television to turning on the coffee maker, there are many applications to these smart outlets. Get the latest and greatest technology when it comes to your home to help keep your home safer. Invest in smart home innovations and the right homeowners insurance. When looking for the right policy, East End Insurance Agency has you covered. Located in Southold, New York, contact us for all your personal and commercial insurance needs.

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