
Why You Should Secure Pet Insurance for Your Indoor Cat

Why You Should Secure Pet Insurance for Your Indoor Cat

Jan 09, 2019


Why You Should Secure Pet Insurance for Your Indoor Cat

Reasons why your indoor cat needs insurance coverage.

While outdoor cats experience higher risk for injuries and accidents, this does not mean that your indoor cats are completely protected from threats. The best way to protect them from an emergency situation is by securing the right pet insurance. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider securing insurance for your indoor cats. 1) Indoor Cats Still Face Risks While you might assume that your cat is safe and secure inside your home, you need to understand that they still face certain hazards. For instance, your feline friends can still suffer from health problems such as cystitis, digestive issues, cancer, diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney failure, heart disease, and so on. If you do not want the cost of medical treatment to come out of your own pocket, it's important to secure coverage for your cat. 2) Insurance is Affordable Pet insurance for cats is extremely affordable. In fact, the average policy is about $16 a monthless than a dollar a day. As an added bonus, filing a pet insurance claim will not result in premium increases. Because pet insurance is so affordable, there's no reason not to secure this protection for your cat. 3) You Can Get the Care Your Cat Deserves Cat owners who have insurance coverage are able to afford nearly five times as much veterinary care than those who do not. While veterinary care has made major advances over the years, it has also increased in price significantly. Fortunately, when you have pet insurance, you can afford the care that your cat needs and deserves. These are some of the reasons why you should secure pet insurance for your indoor cat. Interested in learning more about pet insurance? If so, contact the experts at East End Insurance Agency. We are ready to assist you with all your coverage needs today.

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