
Save on Your Car Insurance This Year

Save on Your Car Insurance This Year

Jan 08, 2020


Save on Your Car Insurance This Year

What you can do to reduce your auto insurance costs this year.

Now that 2020 is officially underway, it's time to start working towards your new year's resolutions.  If you resolved to save more money this year, then you may be looking for ways to cut back on your spending.  If you are spending a considerable amount of money on car insurance, then there are things that you can do to reduce your cost.  Try out these money-saving tips with your auto policy.
  • Assume a Higher Deductible
Your deductible is the amount of money that you agree to pay towards insurance claims before your coverage kicks in.  The higher the deductible that you assume, the lower your premiums will be.  If you can afford to increase your deductible this year, then do it so you can save on your auto policy.
  • Drive Less
The more you drive, the higher your auto insurance premiums will be.  This is because the more you drive, the higher your risk for accidents and vehicular damage.  By cutting down on the miles you put on your car, you can actually reduce your auto insurance premiums.  As an added bonus, driving less also saves you money on gas and helps the environment.
  • Be Wary When Insuring Teen Drivers
Teen drivers are more likely to get into an accident than more experienced drivers.  This risk makes them very expensive to insure.  If you are preparing to add a teen to your policy this year, then consider shopping around to find the carriers that will offer the cheapest rates for young drivers.  Additionally, make sure you take advantage of other savings opportunities.  For instance, many auto insurers offer teens discounts for being good students, passing traffic safety courses, and driving safe vehicles. These are some of the steps that you should take to save money on your auto insurance this year.  Do you have more questions about your car coverage?  If so, then contact the experts at East End Insurance Agency.  Our dedicated team is ready to assist you with your auto insurance today.

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